Mold and Mildew Stain Removal

Tips For Mold & Mildew Stain Removal

How To Remove Mold & Mildew Stains

Mold and mildew removal is something that most homeowners will need to tackle at some point.

There are many areas of your home that can be affected by the harshness of mold and mildew. Yet, with a bit of help and with good cleaning techniques, you will find that the removal of these products is easy to do and can be done regularly to prevent the mold or the mildew from coming back. It is best to make an effort to keep your home clean from these toxins by working to keep them out of the home regularly.

Basic Mold And Mildew Removal Tips

On products that are non porous and relatively easy to clean, follow this solution for cleaning mold and mildew from your home’s surfaces.

  • Locate the mildew or mold. Clean up any debris in the area.
  • Mix one cup of bleach to one gallon of warm water.
  • Place in a spray bottle for ease of use. It can be stored this way too.
  • Open windows or create a good amount of ventilation in the area in which you will be cleaning.
  • Spray the solution onto the area where mold or mildew growth has been observed.
  • Use a scrubbing brush or a terry cloth to wash the area down. Use gloves.
  • Rinse the area with clean water.
  • Dry the area with a dry terry cloth.
  • Use ventilation and dehumidifiers to keep the mildew and the mold from coming back.

What Causes Mold & Mildew?

To get rid of mold or mildew in your home, you should always insure that you do not provide it with the conditions it needs to live. When you do that, you can keep the instances of mold and mildew growth in your home to a minimum. Here are some tips to keep it gone.

  • Keep the ventilation in the area open. This includes keeping the air flowing through vents.
  • Keep the air dry. To do this, you will want to use a dehumidifier. Keep basements dry by having them waterproofed. Moisture is a huge player in the game of mold growth.
  • Keep it clean. You do not want food particles, even small ones, to go unnoticed on the floor or in a hidden area. Not only will mold and mildew grow there but it will likely spread to the surrounding area as well.

Mold and mildew need a warm, moist area to grow. If you keep these elements at bay, you have a good shot at not needing to worry about mold and mildew growth. There are many areas in which you may find mold or mildew growing. Look in basements, especially on outside walls. If the basement is wet, look under flooring and behind walls. Look in cellars, in pantries and even in your refrigerator. Always try to keep food that is covered and that is within its expiration date to avoid this

Mold And Mildew Removal Tips

There are many things that go into having mold and mildew around your home. The best course of action to find it and to treat it is to pay attention to the details. Here are some tips to help you with mold and mildew removal that can be quite helpful.

Clothing Help

If you find that you have mold or mildew on your clothing, it can be quite hard to clean it off. If the product can be laundered with bleach products, this would be the best way to go. If not, use a stain removal pre treatment on the area as directed by the manufacturer. It may not be possible to remove all of the stain left behind from the mold and mildew on clothing.

Carpeting Help

A big problem is carpeting that is located in the basement. Since mildew and mold like to grow in the dampness and humidity of a basement, it is very important for you to look under the carpeting to insure it is not growing there. A good way to know if the carpeting has been infected is to smell it. Mold and mildew have a musky smell to them.

If the carpeting has mold or mildew in it, it should be removed and replaced. It is very hard to clean out a carpet fully from this type of condition and it can cause health problems for those living there. If it is to be cleaned, contact a professional cleaner to help with the care.

Since basements are the key place for mold and mildew growth in a home (along with bathrooms) you want to do all that you can to water proof them. Walls, ceilings and flooring should be sealed. Additionally, make sure to keep a dehumidifier in the area to keep moisture levels down. If you have carpeting there, make sure it is not fibrous carpeting that mold and mildew will be attracted to and that is easy to keep clean.