Removing Tea and Coffee Stains

Coffee Stains and Tea Stains

Removing Coffee and Tea Stains

Like most out there, you probably have a cup of coffee each morning for breakfast. Or, perhaps you enjoy your tea.

How many times have you spilled that drink on your work clothing or your professional suit? You have no time to have it cleaned and you are supposed to be running out the door. It happens to all of us.

The good news is that you can successfully clean the coffee and the tea stains from your clothing, counters and other areas if you do so in the right way. You don’t have to throw the clothing out because of a stain. You can use these coffee and tea stain removing solutions.

There are four basic ways that you can remove coffee and tea stains from your products. You can choose any of these that you have readily available to you at the time of your accident.

Commercial Stain Removers:

You can get a good cleaning from these products if you have them on hand when you need them. When using them, make sure to pre treat them right way. That is, you need to follow the directions of the products provided.

Saturate the item with the stain remover and allow it to sit for at least five minutes. Then, you can wash as you normally would.


This is an effective treatment for coffee or tea stains as well. Simply mix one teaspoon of vinegar to one quart of cold water. Spray onto the stain and then blot it up. It will loosen and bring the stain out.

Baking Soda:

Here, take a wet terry cloth that is wet with warm water. Sprinkle a teaspoon of baking soda on to it and then rub into the fabric. Rinse off.

You can use any of these methods to help you to clean off the coffee or the tea that you have spilt onto your clothing or onto your favorite table cloth. Keep in mind, though, that you should make sure that the clothing will not be effected by the solution that you use. Do not use any bleach style stain removers on clothing that is colored or those that warn against it.

Finally, make sure that you are effective at removing the stain as soon as possible for the best result.

These things will work well for you with clothing and other easier to clean fabrics. Yet, you still need to think about and plan for cleaning of other products including your carpets. Below, you will find some helpful hints for this as well.

Here are some solutions that can help you to get coffee and tea stains out of other things rather than just your clothing. There are plenty of times when you will spill coffee on your counter top (who hasn’t had that impossible ring of coffee to deal with?) or even worse you may end up having coffee on your carpeting.

Here are a few solutions that may help you a bit.

Coffee Stained Countertops:

Don’t use abrasives. While it sounds like if you scrub that stain really well it will come out, this is not necessarily the full story. In fact, you will find that these harsh abrasives will actually do more damage than good to your counter top. Therefore, you should really consider going with baking soda here. Apply just a bit of soda to the stain with a small amount of water and scrub a bit. You may also want to consider using oxygen bleaches on them, just make sure that they can be used on the type of surface that you have.


When you have this type of stain on your carpeting, you may be thinking about what you are going to place over the top to hide it. But, before you do that, consider these tricks to help you to remove coffee and tea from the carpeting. Make a detergent to clean it out of half of a teaspoon of mild detergent and one pint of water. Blot with a towel onto the stain. Do not rub. Blot with a clean cloth to soak up the stain. If the stain is still there, use a 50 to 50 solution of water and white vinegar to help you to get it out. Hydrogen peroxide can work on these stains as well.

If you are in doubt with the stains that you have on your carpeting or rugs, make sure to call on a skilled professional cleaner to aid you. They will help you to get the very best results possible.